Health2Sync 智抗糖期望透過簡易操作的數位工具,整合行動裝置、數位療法及雲端服務,協助慢性病患進行每日健康管理。
全世界有將近 10% 的人口有糖尿病,其中超過一半在亞洲;但由於醫療資源不足,只有少於 30% 的糖尿病患獲得適當照護。
我們相信糖尿病照護有多種可能,Health2Sync 智抗糖提供多元的血糖管理方案,當醫護人員沒辦法提供即時協助時,糖友就能透過數位工具來照顧自己的健康。
- Jan.
- Reached one million registered users worldwide.
- Mar.
- Launched integration with Mallya® Cap in Japan together with BIOCORP and Novo Nordisk.
- May.
- Released Health2Sync in the Middle East with Arabic support and worked with Sanofi for market expansion in Egypt.
- Jul.
- Launched food recognition with AI to make it easier to log meal records.
- Aug.
- Was selected as one of the top 13 pioneering startups by Taiwan’s National Development Council.
- Oct.
- Obtained regulatory approval for Insultrate, the first basal insulin titration Software-as-Medical Device approved in Taiwan.
- Dec.
- Integrated with Sanofi’s SoloSmart in Japan to help improve insulin management.
- Launched Health2Sync in South Korea with a Korean version of the app.